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They Had It Coming

· By Amandel · Published 2024-01-08T21:24:40.422Z

Meta Prompt
You will be looking for a five-letter word.
Love, Amandel.
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Leaderboard (updated hourly)

  • dooiemus solved 2024-01-08T22:16:04.901Z
  • sledge solved 2024-01-08T22:18:21.854Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2024-01-09T00:08:55.714Z
  • LarsCaine solved 2024-01-09T04:18:45.413Z
  • Hector solved 2024-01-09T15:48:59.827Z
  • kurtalert solved 2024-01-09T15:59:46.619Z
  • Max solved 2024-01-10T05:10:49.892Z
  • rvkal solved 2024-01-10T07:53:20.985Z
  • Zimodo solved 2024-01-11T21:48:34.263Z


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  • Amandel constructor · 2024-01-08T21:26:44.756Z
    This is my very first attempt at a meta puzzle, so I kept it fairly easy on myself. I tried to keep the clues as 'natural' as possible, which was quite tricky at times. 8A in particular took some searching. Initially, I had a clue there about Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons", but on reflection that seemed too obscure and far-fetched. Anyway, I am quite satisfied with the result. I think I'm going to stick largely to themeless puzzles and minis, but an occasional dip into a theme or meta seems quite enjoyable.
    • dooiemus 🤓38s · 2024-01-08T22:24:14.752Z
      • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓25s · 2024-01-09T02:39:09.606Z
        The basic mini puzzle was fun and clean, as usual!
        Still don't understand the meta (also as usual)… I gave up and revealed. Any hints or nudges, or even a full-on explanation, would be appreciated!
        • Amandel constructor · 2024-01-09T09:39:01.401Z
          Oh, so sorry, I did indeed forget that! Let me quickly explain how the meta works. In all across clues there is a number or a reference to a number. You take the letter corresponding to that position, and if you read it from top to bottom, you get the solution to the puzzle.
      • elutionary 🤓1:21 · 2024-01-09T02:35:58.149Z
        Can you help a poor foolish puzzler understand the meta puzzle?
        • Amandel constructor · 2024-01-09T09:39:44.575Z
          I added the explanation to another comment :D
          • elutionary 🤓1:21 · 2024-01-10T15:04:39.784Z
            Ah, I understand. Well—the main puzzle was very fun; and now that I understand so is the meta one!
        • Robert 4:28 · 2024-01-09T14:02:22.307Z
          Tough meta for me! Nice puzzle
          • Hector 🤓1:16 · 2024-01-09T15:49:32.993Z
            Fun, thank you!
            Second most-produced cereal in the world
            1. 1A
              Second most-produced cereal in the world
            2. 6A
              Hole in one, almost always
            3. 7A
              Hybrid of two big cat species
            4. 8A
              Four-time Halle Berry role
            5. 9A
              There are five for this puzzle's meta solution - not counting the title
            1. 1D
              Like Shirley Bassey, by birth
            2. 2D
              Dominican Republic neighbor
            3. 3D
              Incite to action
            4. 4D
              Well-caffeinated, maybe
            5. 5D
              School year segments